Disaster Management Consulting Firm Based in FL

Landfall Strategies, LLC, is a disaster management and federal recovery programs consulting firm based in Florida, which is owned and managed by a team of professionals with extensive disaster recovery, FEMA Public Assistance Program, and debris monitoring experience. Landfall Strategies has been engaged in the disaster recovery business since 2009 and coupled with their leadership team’s previous experience has directly assisted over one hundred local governments and state agencies in navigating the complexities of federal disaster recovery programs.
Of these programs, 88 were specific to debris monitoring operations resulting in the collection of over 48,000,000 cubic yards of all types of storm debris. Our firm is confident this proposal clearly demonstrates our substantial expertise in FEMA-compliant disaster debris monitoring, a strong project management team, and a sound plan for delivering the highest levels of disaster recovery services.
Project Examples
- Vegetative: 482,891 CYs
- C&D: 112,854 CYs
- Project Value $16,000,000
- Debris Management Sites: 3 Debris Removal Contractors: 1
- Trucks: 167
- Peak Staff: 110
On September 16, 2020, Hurricane Sally made Landfall near Pensacola, Florida. Santa Rosa County found itself on the bad side of the storm and faced not only the high winds of the outer bands but also a significant storm and faced not only the high winds of the outer bands but also a significant storm surge. Of the 1,174 square miles that is Santa Rosa County, not much was unaffected. The Landfall Strategies Team was on-site within hours of the winds subsiding and commenced a debris removal program that would see 167 trucks certified, and more than half a million cubic yards of debris hauled over the course of the 4-month program.
CHALLENGES OVERCOME: Challenges in this program were very light due to quality project management on the contractor side. There were isolated minor damage issues which were rapidly repaired by the contractor upon observation and notification.
The Landfall Strategies program was operated safely and efficiently, while field staff, management, and documentation received high praise from County Officials.
- Vegetative: 3,605,290 CYs
- C&D: 3,741,728 CYs
- Project Value: $100,000,000
- Debris Management Sites: 8 Debris Removal Contractors: 1 Trucks: 571
- Peak Staff: 233
In addition to Bay County, Landfall Strategies provided debris monitoring to Panama City, which was also severely damaged by Hurricane Michael. Our firm’s President was on site within just hours of the “all clear,” to coordinate with the City’s Solid Waste, Emergency Management, and debris removal contractors, and to initiate the recruitment of residents to serve as debris monitors. At its peak, we deployed over 250 personnel throughout the City, to monitor the removal of over three million cubic yards of hazardous storm debris, hanging tree limbs, leaning trees, and stumps. Our firm also set up and staffed a call center to answer residents’ questions about the debris program, provided mapping and GIS data to the City, and monitored the removal of debris from canals and ditches.
Having fallen victim to one of the strongest landfalling events in history, Panama City presented challenges, which were diverse and numerous. Most challenges were related to debris eligibility and origin, but there were the occasional safety and damage-related challenges as well. All were met with swift action and uncontested resolution once the incident reports were addressed and verified.
CHALLENGES OVERCOME: Having fallen victim to one of the strongest landfalling events in history, Panama City presented challenges, which were diverse and numerous. Most challenges were related to debris eligibility and origin, but there were the occasional safety and damage-related challenges as well. All were met with swift action and uncontested resolution once the incident reports were addressed and verified.
Eligibility determinations were made according to FEMA guidance and were all supported at every level. Landfall Strategies also assisted the City in applying for FEMA funding for its Private Property Debris Removal (PPDR) program and processed resident applications, right of entry forms, and hold harmless agreements. We organized a specialized PPDR team of monitors and supervisors to document and manage the removal of debris from private properties and ensured that all work and costs were eligible for FEMA funding.
- Vegetative: 135,000 CYs
- Hangers/Leaners: 210
- Project Value: $2,936,070
- Debris Management Sites: 1 Debris Removal Contractors: 1 Trucks: 12
- Peak Staff: 19
One month after awarding a primary debris monitoring contract to Landfall Strategies, and before we had an opportunity to conduct pre-event coordination and planning meetings, the Town of Emerald Island was struck by Hurricane Florence. Our firm’s project manager and operations coordinator were on site within just 48 hours of notification and were providing debris monitoring services throughout the island and at its off-island debris management site, within just a few additional days to hire, train, and deploy our staff. Our firm also advised the Town of Emerald Isle on Public Assistance policies and managed all project data and documentation.
CHALLENGES OVERCOME: Hurricane Florence presented challenges to debris removal providers due to the unique logistical challenges. Staffing on the monitor side was challenging due to the limited market workforce to fill positions. Our firm resolved this challenge by seeking out retired staff to fill available positions. This effort has proven most effective as the Agency recently advised they have had more retirements from their workforce that have expressed an interest in working in the next disaster event.
- Vegetative: 500,000 CYs
- Hangers: 2,600
- Project Value $13,000,000
- Debris Management Sites: 3 Debris Removal Contractors: 1 Trucks: 45+
- Peak Staff: 54
Having provided Clay County with monitoring services for its Hurricane Matthew debris removal project, we were highly familiar with the County’s roadways, communities, EOC emergency management team, debris issues, and priorities. Despite many challenges associated with the size and scope of Hurricane Irma’s destruction, as well as having to coordinate multiple contract activations for this disaster, Landfall Strategies’ project initiation team was on site and operational within the County’s requested time frame. We immediately began coordinating truck measurements with the debris removal contractor and deployed monitors to document and photograph the removal of thousands of hanging tree limbs, which posed clear threats to public safety.
We assisted with the establishment of three temporary debris management sites and provided load inspection monitors at each, to quantify loads, finalize the load tickets and ensure trucks fully discharged their payloads before returning to the collection field. Hurricane Irma presented never before seen challenges to debris removal providers due to the severe equipment shortage statewide. Staffing on the monitor side was challenging due to the fact that there was rarely a consistent number of trucks in operation. We ebbed and flowed with the process and got the job done with surprisingly few damages or other violations to report or resolve.
Landfall Strategies also provided advisory services to the County on how to ensure FEMA reimbursement of all its debris removal costs, including for private roads and communities, leaning trees and tree limbs, and a few right-of-entry agreements. Our team also managed all debris data and documentation, reconciled and approved debris removal contractor invoices, tracked contractor-caused damages to private and public properties, and assisted the County with the administration and submittal of its FEMA claims.
- Vegetative: 125,000 CYs
- Hangers: 230
- Project Value $3,000,000
- Debris Management Sites: 1 Debris Removal Contractors: 1 Trucks: 11
- Peak Staff: 20
Landfall Strategies coordinated Desoto County’s debris removal project from beginning to end and advised County officials on FEMA policy and reimbursement requirements. Soon after Hurricane Irma struck our owners and management team met with the County’s Public Works and administrative leadership to advise them on how best to proceed with the debris removal project, including how to handle zone scheduling, state roads, private properties, hanging tree limbs, stumps, leaning trees, debris site selection, final disposal of mulch and other issues. We provided data collection, management, and reporting services as well, and documented all debris removed with logs, tickets, photos, GPS coordinates, and daily reports and briefings.
Landfall Strategies’ owners personally met and consulted with County officials directly throughout the project and were always available to answer questions and provide operational and FEMA-compliance advice. Concurrently with Desoto County services, Landfall Strategies also provided debris monitoring services for the City of Arcadia and the neighboring City of Punta Gorda.
If you have a question you may have, give Landfall Strategies LLC a call at (407) 832-3979 and we will be more than happy to help answer your question.
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 7:00pm
Landfall Strategies LLC
P.O. Box 547233
Orlando, FL 32854
United States