Our Company Profile

Our firm is highly experienced in disaster debris monitoring and the FEMA Public Assistance program and is uniquely qualified for this project for many reasons, including:
Twelve Years of Program Management and Debris Monitoring Experience. Our firm is recognized nationally as a leading debris monitoring firm. We have been in the debris monitoring business since 2009 and have completed 88 FEMA-compliant debris monitoring projects, entailing the removal of over 48,000,000 cubic yards of all types of debris for multiple types of disaster events. We are highly experienced in special debris programs (such as private property, right of entry, demolition, hanging tree limbs, leaning trees and stumps, marine, beach, and canal debris, hazardous waste, and other types), and experts in securing FEMA reimbursements of the removal costs for these types of debris. We most recently provided debris monitoring and documentation services in Bay County and Panama City, Florida, with over 16,000,000 cubic yards of debris collected on these Hurricane Michael projects.
FEMA Public Assistance Program Expertise
Landfall Strategies’ team have personally and directly assisted many PA program applicants with all aspects of their federal claims and are highly knowledgeable of FEMA eligibility and program requirements for debris removal. Our Firm has been successful in maximizing federal reimbursements of disaster recovery expenditures through compliance with programmatic guidelines and policy. Ensuring full FEMA compliance and maximum reimbursement is our priority and core area of expertise.
Robust Data Collection and Management Capabilities
Landfall Strategies, LLC will deploy a paperless Automated Debris Management System (ADMS), which streamlines the collection of debris data and information through the use of handheld devices. This system works on all Android and Apple devices – this provides for rapid scalability and facilitates training of new users. This system also provides Landfall Strategies full control and immediate access to all project data needed for daily report generation and on-going data management. This system also boasts modules for conducting and collecting data for special debris programs, truck certification and debris estimation tasks.
Financial Strength
A privately held Limited Liability Company, Landfall Strategies has the financial resources to provide the services this contract would require. Our firm can finance multiple monitoring projects simultaneously, currently carries no debts or financial liabilities and has never filed for bankruptcy. Attached to this proposal is a letter from our surety company evidencing that Landfall Strategies has a current aggregate program bonding capacity of over $60 Million.
Landfall Strategies is fully covered by general and professional liability insurance, as well as worker’s compensation, with no claims ever made against this or any insurance.
Landfall Strategies has never been prohibited or barred from doing business with any governmental entity and has never failed to complete a project or a contract. Our firm has no past, current or pending litigation.
Rapid Response Assurance
Landfall Strategies is a Florida firm with a satellite servicing location in Southington, Connecticut – less than a 30-minute drive from Town. The senior management of the firm would be available to meet with Town personnel regularly and on short notice, and our proposed Project Manager and Operations Manager reside in the state of Connecticut, allowing us to guarantee a rapid response time upon receiving a “Notice of Need” and “Notice to Proceed”. Our firm could have a project start-up team on the scene within hours of notification who are prepared to stage project management teams, supplies and equipment, and everything needed to initiate and sustain a debris monitoring project.
Staffing Methodology – Blue Skies Vs. Disaster Event
ALandfall Strategies has full-time staffing, which includes 3 professional and 2 administration staff. Landfall Strategies’ staff includes a cadre of highly skilled industry professionals and an administrative staff who has been committed to providing a high level of service in disaster response and recovery for nearly 3 decades. In the debris monitoring industry, it is important to be able to ramp up staffing for disaster events and reduce staffing to core staffing post event and during blue skies.
Landfall Strategies is experienced with using models to tailor the appropriate staffing levels based on the level of effort, type, and scale of disaster event for the jurisdiction. This planning will also consider the number of debris management sites, final disposition, zones, neighborhood safety issues, personnel planning and documentation requirements to ensure maximum reimbursement for the Agency.
Landfall Strategies is a Florida-based LLC with a proven track record of providing our clients with critical disaster recovery assistance in times of crisis. The Landfall Strategies LLC Team has a depth of experience in local, state, and federal disaster recovery programs related to presidentially declared major disaster events nationwide. Contact us today!
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 7:00pm
Landfall Strategies LLC
P.O. Box 547233
Orlando, FL 32854
United States